News 2.0

It's been been two years since my website was updated. Steve Brixner, my webmaster, was in increasingly failing health, and finally last October his valiantly fought bone marrow transplant battle ended. His loss is devastating to all of us all who knew him.

Steve's site was unique, highly personal, and in many ways irreplaceable. But for many months I have been working on a newly designed and fully updated return of with Nic Goodman, the brilliant and deeply committed developer of NineBar Creative in Asheville, NC. 

All the links and essays have been restored. There will however be further adjustings and additions. If there are any areas which you feel invite further inclusion or smoother ease of use, we would be more than happy for your imput. I am currently working with The Old Print Shop in New York to bring even more zoom functionality and higher resolved scanning results to many of the earlier images. And shortly we will be adding a newly re-imagined 2017 second state of my 1999 TWENTIETH CENTURY LIMITED.

You may note that the last two years have been unusually active and eventful ones for me. To start you might want to look through the "News" and to catch up with the latest "CV: Chronology" developments. I am pleased to be able to finally offer some sincerely felt relief to all interested after such a long hiatus of news and neglected happenings.