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THE PARADE began with my photographing a group of closest friends gathered on the porch of our house in Francestown, NH, where I have lived and worked for more than fifty years. They are watching the annual Francestown Labor Day Parade which is reflected in the windows behind them. The actual present of my photograph is 2014 but the two added musicians coming in from the left on a large bicycle to join the parade, have arrived from a previous past; they are Janis Joplin and Bob Dylan.
Time, in my imagery. likes to be fluid, the past wants to coexist with future. Like Joplin and Dylan, the three shorebirds, two egrets, six foxes and seven geese are here by virtual invitation only. Like Joplin and Dylan half of the friends gathered on the porch are actually no longer with us while half still endure and thrive.
The annual parade in Francestown will be held again on this next labor day and again on next year's--but will there soon be waterbirds close enough to fly above it?